Product Information


Elevate your pre-workout experience with Gym Snacks – an enjoyable alternative to traditional liquid options.

Say goodbye to the bloated feeling that comes with downing a full can of liquid, and instead, treat yourself to a delightful snack before conquering your workout.

Discover the nutritional benefits of a single serving of Gym Snacks with our nutrition facts, accompanied by a convenient dosing chart. Tailor your dose to perfection, ensuring it aligns seamlessly with your fitness goals.

If you're interested in our other products please click this link to explore our other options.








Disclaimer and Warning: Attention Required Before Consumption

This communication serves as a legal advisory for individuals contemplating the consumption of the herein described pre-workout gummy containing 200 mg of caffeine. Prior to ingestion, it is imperative that users acknowledge and adhere to the following cautionary measures. Individuals harboring pre-existing cardiovascular conditions, hypertension, or heightened sensitivity to stimulants are strongly urged to seek legal counsel from a qualified healthcare professional. Those below the age of 18 are explicitly advised against the utilization of this product, as concerns regarding the impact of caffeine on developing physiologies warrant such restriction.

Expectant and nursing individuals are formally cautioned against the usage of this gummy, as the inherent caffeine content may pose substantial risks to both the prenatal and postnatal well-being. A mandatory consultation with a duly qualified healthcare practitioner is hereby mandated for such demographic groups. The allergenic potential of this gummy demands meticulous scrutiny of its ingredient list, specifically for prevalent allergens such as nuts, dairy, or soy. Prudent limitation of concurrent caffeine intake from alternate sources is strongly advocated to mitigate the likelihood of adverse effects, including but not limited to jitteriness, heightened cardiac activity, or sleep disturbances.

Hydration vigilance is emphasized, given the dehydrating attributes associated with caffeine. Individual variations in response to caffeine necessitate acute self-monitoring, with discontinuation recommended upon the manifestation of adverse effects. Aforementioned individuals are further advised to secure legal representation from healthcare professionals prior to the integration of this pre-workout gummy into their regimens, particularly if they harbor underlying health conditions or are currently under medication.

Strict adherence to the recommended dosage instructions is obligatory, with an explicit injunction against surpassing the stipulated serving size. Overconsumption may result in deleterious consequences, for which users shall assume full legal responsibility. This document, comprising legal advisories, serves as an unequivocal contract between the manufacturer and the end-user, ensuring due diligence in compliance with prevailing regulations

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